Friday, September 24, 2010

Chilling with KTV

I'm at my trading internship right now, and it's pretty funny - our head boss, who's Korean, brought some of his Korean television friends in, and is apparently doing a segment on his company. While I think it's a wonderful idea for publicity, I think it's quite funny that they are doing this segment in the middle of the workday. (Then again, it IS a Friday).

I never imagined that this hedge fund may one day become big, but I sincerely hope it does. The CEO of this company is very nice and has helped me personally many times with my trading. I somehow hope that I can continue trading but unfortunately a series of setbacks have caused me to be less confident than before.

Furthermore, almost everyone from the first class of interns, have left. I'm one of the few left. That makes me kind of depressed - seeing all this new blood, while interesting, also makes me feel old. And a failure, since I didn't really get anywhere except to lose more money.

But what I've decided to do lately was start a new spreadsheet that documents my analysis of each currency, so that I don't forget about it later. Hopefully this will work and help me become more entrenched.

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