Friday, September 17, 2010

Mad Men

I've been thinking about this show for a while - Mad Men. It's a show about the 1960's, where a couple of advertising executives go through their daily lives. The character that strikes me most is Don Draper.

I love his character, and I think as an adult man, I should change my character to be more closer to his. Meaning, don't talk so much. Listen. Be serious. Respect others. Respect yourself.

Frequently when I meet people, or am hanging out with friends, I'll get very excited and begin talking a lot. It's not like I say anything stupid, but it's that I don't really have anything smart to say either - so a lot of what comes out of my mouth is trash. That kind of loses respect for me, and I know that other people respect me less after they realize that I don't have much good things to say.

Here's what I'm going to do. Talk much less and listen. I tried this the other day, and wow, the respect people paid me was much more than I had in the past! People listened to every word I said WHEN I spoke, and other times I would just nod and listen. Not talking is probably one of the best ways to earn respect from people.

I think it's also different for men than women. Women can talk all they want and they'll still be likable, funny, whimsical... interesting. If a guy talks too much... you lose respect for him, and he becomes boring. A man needs to be quiet. Strong. Internally confident.

Don't ever give your opinion if it's not asked for. Even if you are asked for it, it is better to give a neutral opinion.

Can this work? I will let you guys know the results of my personality "experiment" after a few weeks.

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